Art, Culture, and Ocean Conservation . . .

Posts tagged ‘amazing’

Dreaming in Color

As a girl with crazy hair for most of my life I had an interesting phenomenon come over me last spring- for the first time ever I was at a total loss of what to do with my hair! Typically in control of every aspect of my image- this took me by surprise.

So when I was asked by the hottest salon in town ( if I would allow a no holds bar cut and color to be a model for the new line of colors by Manic Panic I jumped at the opportunity!

Growing up in Texas as an alterna-grunge-goth grrrl in the 90’s you had limited options for making your lochs the colors of your dreams. I tried everything from berries to kool-aid, but every now and then I could snag a dab of the highly sought after Manic Panic and it worked like a dream! Tish and Snooky, the creators of Manic Panic and forerunners of the original punk movement in the 70s were totally my hero’s! The fact that I was privy to their unreleased magick potion felt like I had just won the lottery.

Excited, I met with Jeanise Aviles, one of the amazing colorists at Aerea Salon, for the consultation and she gave me the option of picking between pink or yellow. Yellow?! An unreleased vibrant “Sunshine Yellow”?! I was sold- and then as what was about to happen washed over me- I was struck with the awe inspiring realization that. . .I had become my teenage idol.

Wow! I never thought the girl I dreamed of being in my twisted crazy teenage dreams, that I saw on posters like Switchblade Symphony, or in late night videos on120 minutes was actually possible. But here I am-receiving the full-on professional treatment for the brightest hair I have had to date.

Like a pretty pretty princess the ladies of Aerea salon took good care of me! We promptly set up a shoot which I can finally share! Here are the long awaited Manic Panic Photos!! Enjoy!

Salon: Aerea Salon

Colorist/Photographer: Jeanise Aviles

Model:    Ali Luminescent

Hair Cut: Arleen Quinones

MUA:       Christine Geiger

Assist:     Ariane Garcia

(Ariane is also a radical colorist as well!! Glad she was there to help out with the shoot! )






And here are a few edits I was playing around with just for fun! Enjoy!


And the winner of the shoot! Image

What do your hair dreams look like? Feel free to post images in the comments below!

Vibrantly Yours~


Ali Luminescent

Merm-AID Needed!

Calling All Mermaid and Ocean Lovers! 


  • Photo by Jesse Ammarte

As the last mermaid slithered up on the beach to survey what happened on the Coney Island Boardwalk, she saw sparkles and shells pouring forth from all the community support seen so far in Coney Island. You too can be part of this necessary Merm-AID!!! Open your treasure chest and lend a helping fin!


  • Photo by Barry Yanowitz, The Year Coney Island Voted me Queen of the Mermaids 2009!

There is still a long way to go to bring Coney Island to the point where they can host the most ridiculously awesome parade in history- The 31st Annual Mermaid Parade!!! When I first found out about the mermaid parades existence my gills started opening up, my fins started splashing, and I could barely contain myself. I am honored to hold a trophy as Coney Island’s Best Mermaid from 2009 as well as have organized my own float for the Mermaid Parade in the past- but really the best part of being a mermaid is getting to splash around with all my seaworthy brothers and sisters on the Coney Island Boardwalk!

If humans can get anything right- they should send some clams on over this way:

Click the video or copy and paste this link “”


  • Justin and I’s first real date: Coney Island Mermaid Parade 2007! 

I identify greatly with being a Mermaid (A fairie-mermaid-unicorn at that)! Each year I band together with my mer-sisters Kai Altair and Cynthia Carvajal to produce “Mermaid Lagoon.” Mermaid Lagoon is a non-profit event used to raise money and awareness for the ocean and all of its inhabitants! Keep your ear to the water for the next installment. In the meantime- lets help the Coney Island Mermaid Parade Kickstarter Campaign swell well beyond their goal!

Mermaids forever!!! Image


  • Sam Shine biking the BoomTrike over the finish line for Enchante! Photo by Dan Howell


  • KJ Boheme and Justin Aubuchon from Enchante Float 2010


  • Photo by Jim Wene 2008


  • Mermaiding for SMASH entertainment 2013

With your help we can keep the mermaids shining bright for all years to come! 


  • Christine Gieger and Ali Luminescent’s Fire Mermaid Act at Flutearte! Gowanus Ballroom

S P L A S H!